Hope for Kids

About Hope For Kids

As the children grasp the Gospel message, it will impact their lives so that they will share it with others, teach others how to share, and have an impact for the Kingdom. Our goal is that the kids will clearly understand the Gospel; be confident of their salvation through a personal relationship with Jesus; and be convinced, equipped, and energized to share their faith for the rest of their lives.

Hope for Kids = Impact!

Hope For Kids appeals to all learning styles by utilizing hand motions, songs, crafts, skits and illustrations. Each of the 12 units includes at least one object lesson that provides a concrete illustration of the key Gospel concept taught in that unit. Through this approach, kids are able to effectively learn and retain the Gospel. The kids interact with teachers, team leaders, and each other throughout the semester. This causes both the kids and adults to develop meaningful relationships with each other, and most significantly and eternally, with God!

Play Video

Hope for Kids is an interactive discipleship program that helps kids come to Christ, become grounded in the Gospel, and then learn how to share that faith with others. Hope for Kids utilizes crafts, skits, games, Scripture memory, worship, movement, and time with each other and their teachers to disciple children.

Training for 1-3 Key Leaders! & Materials are included in your training!

Attend one of our Hope For Kids Leadership Clinics—a 12 hour training over a day and a half —and watch your key children’s leaders/Pastor come away with the skills and leadership materials needed to equip your kids and team leaders with the Gospel. Not only are your kids grounded in the Gospel, they are equipped and encouraged to share the Good News with others.

At the Leadership Clinic, participants will receive a copy of the Good News Teacher Book and the implementation materials. The Good News Teacher’s Book—a full color, 65-page book with 12 complete lesson —provides a step-by-step guide to implementing in your setting. After the Leadership Clinic, if you commit to implement HFK in your church/organization and reach 60-100 kids over the next few years, you will receive access to the following foundational materials with no charge:

  • Good News Student Activity Books – 1 per Hope For Kid student (full color, 32-pages with 4-craft pages)

  • Pathway to Hope Booklet – 10 for each equipped Hope For Kid student to share with 10 friends (full color, 32-pages)
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